> Zed Book Club / New Zed Favourites

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New Zed Favourites

Zed contributors review the latest hot novels from vaunted writers like Ann Patchett, Zadie Smith, Justin Cronin and Emma Cline / BY Zed Staff / September 21st, 2023

As the temperature cools and we begin to seek the comfort of warm spaces, one of the best ways to while away the time is with a book that’s too good to put down. Our TBR list is a collection of fiction and non-fiction works so good you’ll be turning your phone off, including Zadie Smith’s turn at historical fiction, a dishy read that had the Hampton’s buzzing this summer and a novel about the magical power of libraries.

Obsessive Book Buyers: Zoomer editors have carefully curated our book coverage to ensure you find the perfect read. We may earn a commission on books you buy by clicking on the cover.

1THE FRAUD by Zadie Smith

Home Base: Kilburn, North London

Author’s Take: “Any writer who lives in England for any length of time will sooner or later find herself writing a historical novel, whether she wants to or not.”

Favourite Line: “No adventure, no drama, no murder, nothing to excite the blood or chill it!”

Review:  If you love Zadie Smith’s novels, the news that she has a new book coming easily stokes your anticipation. Doubly so when you learn that she has turned her hand to historical fiction. Just imagine if she could do for 19th-century England what she did for modern London in NW or Swing Time. Unfortunately, The Fraud never really gels.

The Fraud is foremost the story of Mrs. Eliza Touchet, a widow who runs the household of her cousin by marriage, William Ainsworth – a now-forgotten but real-life writer – with whom she has a BDSM-laced relationship. (She also has a thing for his first wife, Frances.) Eliza is very much a product of her time – an opponent of the slave trade and a proto-feminist. 

Smith has done a lot of research and she’s good at invoking the Victorian era, but it doesn’t take long before you start wondering: Is this going anywhere? One of the novel’s recurrent threads is the Tichborne Case, a famed 1871 legal action involving a butcher who claimed to be the long-lost Sir Roger Tichborne, heir to a vast fortune. The case captivated the British public, and a key reason for that was the testimony of Mr. Andrew Bogle (also a real person), a man born into slavery in Jamaica who testified in support of the claimant. The integrity he projected as well as his steadfast testimony captivated newspaper audiences. 

When Touchet first sees Bogle, about a third of the way (or 150-plus pages) into The Fraud, it feels as if the novel is finally getting started. But, in the end, it never does. The three separate threads – Mrs. Touchet’s story, the court case and the history of Mr. Bogle – never end up merging into a single narrative. There’s lots of great writing, and in the second Mrs. Ainsworth, Zadie Smith has created one of the most infuriatingly accurate pig-headed people in English literature. In the end it’s just not enough. — Ian Coutts

2TOM LAKE by Ann Patchett

Author’s Home Base: Nashville, Tenn.

Author’s Take: “If this novel has a goal, it is to turn the reader back to [Thornton Wilder’s] Our Town, and to all of Wilder’s work. Therein lies the joy.”

Favourite Line: “The past need not be so all-consuming that it renders us incapable of making egg salad.” 

Review: Ann Patchett’s latest novel is her quietest, most meditative yet. Instead of an opera singer held hostage, as in Bel Canto, or a pharmacologist investigating miracle drugs in State of Wonder, we get a 50-something mother picking cherries — lots of them — on a family orchard in Michigan. Her three adult daughters have come home to help harvest, and, to entertain them while they work, Lara recounts a story they’ve often begged for about the summer she once dated a Hollywood film star. At the time, both were aspiring actors who appeared together in a summer stock run of Thornton Wilder’s play Our Town. (The novel takes its title from the name of the theatre company staging the production.) The fling doesn’t last, but her encounter with Peter Duke shapes the rest of her life.

Our Town, Wilder’s landmark play affirming the dignity of everyday human existence, looms large in the novel, which alternates between Lara’s present-day exchanges with her family and her account of that fateful summer. As a teenager, Lara seemed born to play the role of young, brighter-than-others Emily, Our Town‘s central character. Middle-aged Lara displays glimmers of Emily, too: Older now and staring down her own mortality, she’s jettisoned the prospect of stardom and come to appreciate the small, but deeply satisfying pleasures of life, like fruit-stained hands and a loving family.

Sweet (for me, sometimes cloying) and at times poignant, Tom Lake is a paean to the power of storytelling and literature. Patchett wants us to remember that the past lives on in the present, as well as in the stories we tell ourselves. The novel is also an elegy for a faltering planet; climate change is a constant preoccupation of the cherry farmers and so is the COVID-19 pandemic. But even as our world stumbles, there’s joy to be found. “I would say that there has never been such a beautiful day,” Lara says, “but I say that all the time.” — Carol Toller


Author’s Home Base: New York City

Author’s take: “I had used the phrase before — ‘growing up kidnapped’ — but somehow used it without it really sinking in. It was a thing that I was aware of as, ‘This is technically true, but without really understanding what that means.’” 

Favourite lines: “Before I saw it drift from my mouth, like my soul gone out of me, then pause midair before disintegrating, like my white soul gone out of me to die outside my black body, I had never seen my own breath.”

Review: How much one enjoys renowned American poet Shane McCrae’s memoir depends on their willingness to surrender to his free-form approach to language and, especially, to punctuation, as well as to the vagaries of memory, as the author narrates his fraught passage from boyhood into adulthood while coming to terms with some nasty family history. 

The story at the book’s core is certainly compelling. In 1979, at the age of three, McCrae — a biracial child born in Oregon to an 18-year-old white mother and a 20-something Black father — was kidnapped by his maternal grandparents, who claimed to be taking him on an overnight visit. McCrae’s father, Stanley, who had been caring for him, was left heartbroken and confused. His mother Denise, reluctant to commit to motherhood and dealing with her own filial anxiety, just kind of let it slide, buying into the narrative that her son would be better off.

McCrae’s racist grandparents convinced the child his father had abandoned him. As he grew up under their watch in Texas and California, McCrae was made complicit in their scheme via physical abuse, intimidation, and confusion about his true past, which was seeded by various relatives. Slowly over time, however, McCrae pieced together enough information to track his father down and, by age 16, had found him. It was then that this troubling tale began to unravel.

Pulling the Chariot of the Sun — the title alluding to the Greek myth of mortal son Phaethon perilously seeking out his godly father Helios — is, in the words of The New York Times, “a 250-page avant-garde prose poem that has more in common with Virginia Woolf’s (excellent, difficult) novel The Waves than with Hua Hsu’s (excellent, not difficult) memoir Stay True — or any memoir you might name.”

At once lyrical and jittery, full of run-on sentences and frequently sub-referencing itself, the book demands the reader’s full attention, but offers urgent prose that pirouettes on the page. “I wanted to be caught and banished from the community so I could move to a hovel just outside the community like a rueful outcast so I could stay near the community, I was nine, maybe ten, and thought in impossibilities.” Luckily for McCrae’s intrepid readers, things worked out much better for the author than they did for Phaethon. — Kim Hughes


Author’s Home Base: London

Author’s take: “One of the things I focused on in the book is self-acceptance. [It’s] really important for us to recognize that we are imperfect human beings, and we’re often going to encounter setbacks. Things are going to happen to us that are completely out of our control, and that’s OK.” 

Favourite lines: “Perfectionism isn’t a badge of honour, and it’s not holding you up in the world. At root, perfectionism is the response to deficit thinking so extreme that we live our entire lives in the shadow of shame. Shame about what we don’t have, how we don’t appear, and what we haven’t done. That’s not an emblem of success. That’s a loathing of the very things that make us so enlivening human: our flaws.”

Review: Chasing perfection is terrible for your health. Even more abhorrent to perfectionists: multiple major studies have shown that, over time, they tend to perform less well than their comparative slacker cohorts, falling victim to burnout, exhaustion and, perhaps counterintuitively, procrastination and self-sabotage.  

In The Perfection Trap, those findings are amassed and analyzed by author Thomas Curran, a professor of psychology at the London School of Economics and a confessed “recovered perfectionist.” As Curran argues, the behaviour so often cited by athletes, celebrities and captains of industry as the key to their success is a myth that’s been clinically debunked. Yet deeply entrenched conventional wisdom holds that tireless overachievement is the ticket to recognition, wealth and, most egregiously, personal peace. 

“Across hundreds of studies,” Curran writes, “perfectionism correlates with goodies like self-esteem and happiness, but it also correlates with a lot of very bad things, like depression, anxiety, hopelessness, body image worries and anorexia.”

Several Canadian researchers feature prominently in Curran’s admirably plainspoken book. These include professors Gordon Flett and Paul Hewitt, creators of the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale evaluation test. First developed in 1991 and still widely used, it distinguishes and categorizes perfectionist types — for example, those who self-impose sky-high standards versus those struggling to meet perceived societal expectations — showing that “perfectionism is a living, breathing worldview starting with the core deficit belief that we’re not perfect enough and that our imperfections should be concealed from those around us.”

Add pervasive social media to the mix, and you wind up with an entire generation of young people who believe they are lesser than, as recent studies quoted by Curran show. Further compounding this “hidden epidemic” are wildly successful, self-proclaimed perfectionists like Olympian cyclist Victoria Pendleton, whose “inability to recognize her achievements… spills over into the exhausting obligation to be perfect and nothing but perfect.” 

The solution, as you might glean from the book’s subhead, is to chill out, share your feelings with trusted others, pursue a social life outside of work, and find a way of practising self-love and acceptance. Easier said than done, sure. But Curran — sent on this path of study via a terrifying panic attack in the wake of a messy breakup he gravely suppressed for fear of seeming weak — is living proof that less really can be more. And he’s got the graphs, statistics and expert opinions to prove it. — Kim Hughes 

5Wild Hopeby Joan Thomas

Author’s home base: Winnipeg 

Author’s take: “When I finished Five Wives, I wanted to write something completely different. A timely urban novel that captured the current moment, with a scaled-down cast of characters I could have fun with. Isla emerged first, a young chef walking the streets of downtown Toronto. Curious, confident, open-hearted. She’s privileged, and not just in the way we normally define the word. She has the wonderful privilege of moving into adult life not burdened by self-doubt or ideology or childhood trauma, she’s not spending years recovering from her childhood.”

Favourite lines: I might be required to build up what I know about the world bit by bit from scratch. That the property of rain is to wet and of fire to burn, that good pasture makes fat sheep, that a great cause of the night is lack of the sun.”

Review: Joan Thomas, winner of the Governor General’s Award, is back with her fifth novel, Wild Hope, a multi-layered mystery within whose pages come proof that no matter how hard you try, you can never escape your past.

It’s a love story and a deep dive into humanity’s psychological well-being that brings three people together and then proceeds to rip them apart.

Thomas spends a great deal of time developing the background of the book’s two main characters, Isla and Jake, and describing their very different childhoods and, subsequently, their principles and beliefs. This is important to the reader as it gives them deep insight into what makes each of them tick; something they themselves haven’t managed, or been able to share with each other.

As their storylines interweave, we’re given a comprehensive view into how education, wealth and family history form two very different people who are in deeply love, but unable to communicate and fully allow the other to know their true selves – especially Jake, who is both haunted and proud of the fact that he never lived up to his father’s unrealistic expectations.

But jealousy is the real factor at play, tying Jake’s past, present and future together as he discovers his childhood best friend – Reg Bevaqua – a wealthy water tycoon and enemy, has been holding on to a number of dark secrets that ultimately lead to his disappearance.

Isla is all but ready to call it quits on the relationship when she learns Jake is missing, and this rapidly changes not only her reality but her feelings, as she quickly discovers she’ll stop at nothing to get to the truth about his disappearance. 

As the title suggests, it really is about having wild hope. Hope to come to terms with yourself, hope for the success in your relationships and career. And that hope is threatened as you battle wild demons, planted in childhood, and some that you didn’t dare dream possible. – Caroline Gdyczynski

6The Guestby Emma Cline

Author’s Home Base: Los Angeles, Calif.

Author’s Take: “This is a beautiful place that’s still so controlled by certain power dynamics and old ideas. I was really curious about what would happen to a character in that community who really didn’t belong? How would they move through that world? I realized that there is a weird power that you get when people don’t really see you, either — they kind of fill in the blanks about who you are. You could be anyone.” 

Favourite Line: “Surely, if Alex had been in any real danger, someone would have reacted, one of these people would have stepped in to help.”

Review: If Emma Cline’s The Guest is ringing a bell — but you haven’t read it yet — it’s probably because it became something of a pop-culture phenomenon this summer. Everyone in the Hamptons, for example, was apparently reading the book, and eagerly looking for familiar faces and settings. And then there are the many long internet pieces discussing just what, exactly, the novel’s ambiguous ending actually means. Somewhat lost in all this discussion, however, is how good The Guest is, as a reading experience. 

The novel follows 22-year-old Alex, a New York City sex worker, who has accompanied her older “boyfriend” to a beach community on Long Island (it’s never specifically called the Hamptons, but the locale is fairly plain). Alex is not only deeply attached to Simon (a middle-aged rich guy who buys her clothes he wants to see her in and controls her behaviour), but she is also on the run; her roommates have kicked her out for stealing their drugs and refusing to pay rent, and just generally being a terrible roommate. At the same time, she continuously get threatening texts from Dom, who may be her pimp, or just another man she has ripped off. The action of the novel really begins when Simon kicks her out after she embarrasses him (and herself) during a party. Rather than going back to the city, however, Alex decides to stay in the not-Hamptons, having convinced herself that Simon didn’t really want to break up with her, and will welcome her back if she shows up at his end-of-summer party less than a week later. The book becomes a small-scale odyssey, as Alex moves from beach to party house to club to mansion, manipulating everyone in her path (she specializes in telling people what they want to hear, and ingratiating herself in their lives, when she is not observing the world from the sidelines, seemingly invisible), in an increasingly druggy and delusional haze.

The Guest is a special sort of book; while seemingly simple and straightforward, its glossy surface masks a considerable depth. Both suspenseful and compelling, it’s also funny and smart, and I can see why it made such a splash this summer. – Robert Wiersema 

7THE FERRYMAN by Justin Cronin

Author’s Home Base: Houston, Texas

Author’s Take: “There’s a moment when, retroactively, everything in the story suddenly makes sense in ways you did not realize. That’s the kind of moment I wanted to create. I always wanted to write the ultimate holy sh-t moment when the reader throws the book across the room in a kind of pleasure.” 

Favourite Line: “My name is Proctor Bennett. Here is what I’ve called my life.”

Review: With the publication of The Passage in 2010, Justin Cronin threw his readers something of a curve ball. Previously known as a highly regarded literary novelist, no one was expecting Cronin’s next project to be an apocalyptic vampire novel, spanning centuries. No one expected it to be the first of a trilogy. And certainly no one expected it was going to be as successful as it was. Each book not only became a bestseller, but drew the praise of writers like Stephen King, who called the trilogy “one of the great achievements in American fantasy.” Cronin’s latest novel, The Ferryman, isn’t quite as significant a departure, but it’s definitely doing a bit of a swerve.

The novel is set in an “archipelago state called Prospera … hidden from the world.” The main island — also called Prospera — is a thriving, glossy utopia, where the privileged live. A second island, the Annex, is home to Prospera’s support staff, “men and women of lesser biological and social endowments,” who commute to the main island to work. And there’s a third island, the Nursery, serviced by a ferry, “a journey that each Prosperan takes twice per iteration, once at the beginning, once at the end.” Each Prosperan has a ticking clock: when their strengths and abilities begin to fade with age, they ride the ferry to the Nursery to be “regenerated,” and returned to Prospera as a new person, about 16 years old, with their lives ahead of them once again.

From the start, Cronin is playing with ideas of utopia and dystopia, of privilege and its cost. These philosophical concepts are thrown into stark relief when Proctor Bennett, who works as a ferryman, is charged with taking his father to the Nursery. Normally, this is a smooth process, but Proctor’s father does not go quietly, crying out, “the world is not the world,” and repeating a single word, “Oranios,” which will unlock the secrets hidden below the surface of the world.The Ferryman is a delight, from start to finish, a smart, creative examination of the nature of reality and humanity threaded through a compelling narrative that will keep the pages turning almost on their own. – R.W.

8THE SULLIVANIANS by Alexander Stille

Author’s Home Base: New York, New York

Author’s Take: “I lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan for quite a long time and was fascinated by the idea that I’d been living in this neighborhood for decades and knew nothing of what was essentially a secret utopian society that had existed for 30 years in our midst that functioned according to its own laws and its own precepts and was at variance with mainstream society.” 

Favourite Line: “Saul Newton was in many ways a classic American type: a self-invented figure whose shadowy biography is a blend of myth and fact, a kind of Jay Gatsby of psychotherapy.”

Review: It might seem somewhat strange that journalist and professor Alexander Stille, perhaps best known for his compelling examination of the mafia in Italy in Excellent Cadavers, would turn his attention to a New York City-based cult, but it actually does make sense. Both are, in broad terms, “extremely secretive … a parallel world, living by precise rules and precepts almost entirely at odds with those of mainstream society.”

The Sullivan Institute for Research in Psychoanalysis was opened in the 1950s by Dr. Jane Pearce and her husband, Dr. Saul Newton. Although it was named for Dr. Harry Stack Sullivan, a neo-Freudian analyst under whom Pearce had been a student, Sullivan himself was not involved (in fact, he died years before its founding). Rather, the institute’s psychoanalytic approach was outlined in Newton and Pearce’s book The Conditions of Human Growth. The pair believed that the nuclear family was a destructive influence, and the root of mental illness, and that people (including children) would thrive in a more communal setting. In their practice, they eschewed marriage and committed relationships in their patients (referred to as Sullivanians), encouraged polyamory and removed children from their parents, prioritizing nurture over nature.

The Institute attracted hundreds of followers, all participating in analysis and, eventually, living in same-sex communal situations in a number of residences owned by the institute on Manhattan’s Upper West Side. Art critic Clement Greenberg was an early adopter, who drew artist Jackson Pollock and other abstract expressionists into the fold. Other Sullivanians included singer Judy Collins, members of Sha Na Na, and novelist Richard Price. Free love and psychological exploration were the draw, but as time passed, Newton began to exert more and more control, along with, as one might expect, an escalating succession of abuses. 

The Sullivanians is a transfixing, powerful account of the building and eventual dissolution of the group, set against the social changes of the late twentieth century and the more intimate shifts in New York City over the same time period. The book is exhaustive (Stille interviewed more than sixty “former patients … and their family members,” as well as performing a deep-dive into documents, letters, financial information and testimony provided, largely, as a result of numerous lawsuits), but never exhausting. The story is compelling, and Stille more than does it justice. Easily one of the best non-fiction titles I’m likely to read this year.  — RW


Author’s Home Base: Yokohama, Japan

Favourite Line: “Together we are setting ourselves in motion, pulling on the invisible threads of our connections. There are so many things to do, but I won’t make the excuse that I have no time anymore. Instead I will think about what I can do with the time I have. One day is going to become tomorrow.”

Review: “What are you looking for?” It might seem like a run of the mill question to most, but when asked by the indomitable Sayuri Komachi – librarian at the Hatori Community House — the query inevitably sets off a series of events that alter the lives of the book’s five main characters. 

Each is at a crossroads in their lives: 21-year-old department store clerk Tomoko, who feels like her life is going nowhere;  35-year-old Ryo, an accounts manager for a furniture company who dreams of opening an antique shop; Hiroya, an unemployed 30-year-old who still lives at home and longs to be an illustrator but is too scared to draw; Natsumi, a 40-year-old former magazine editor and mom who feels unfulfilled since leaving the workforce; and 65-year-old Masao, who feels he has lost his identity now that he is retired.

In a series of intertwined vignettes, each stumbles into the library, encounters Ms. Komachi standing under the Reference sign, engaged in the act of felting. After answering Ms. Komachi’s question, each is given a list of books on their desired topics, plus one they didn’t expect. When Masao asks for titles on how to play Go, he’s given a book of poetry. When Ryo is given a list of titles on opening a store, his list included a book on gardening. And before they leave, Ms. Komachi also gives each of them a small felted item she has made, that is even farther removed from what they asked for. 

If it appears I’m being sparse on details, it’s because I don’t want to give too much away. In the same way that “it’s the little things in life that matter,” the joy in this book lies in its diminutive details; even a tiny felted frying pan comes to have a meaning far greater than the object itself.

What You Are Looking For Is In The Library is soaked in the Japanese literary tradition of magical realism — exemplified by writers like Haruki Murakami and Banana Yoshimoto — whereby extraordinary events are introduced into the framework of people’s ordinary lives. In the book, the reader’s belief is suspended just enough to transport us into a realm close to one we recognize, without venturing into fantasy fiction territory.

What You Are Looking For Is In The Library at times feels like a love letter to those places that are more than just repositories for books, but in many cases contain the beating hearts of the local communities. 

And I dare say, it also reads like a warm hug on a cold day. It reaffirms the belief that even ordinary lives can have meaning and are unique in their own way, just as long as we open our eyes a little wider to the wonder that surrounds us. – Kisha Ferguson



Canadian Writers Among Literary Luminaries Named on the New York Times’ “Top 100 Books of the 21st Century” ListThe New York Times Book Review ultimately featured two Canadian authors – and three Canadian books – on their list of the 100 best books of the 21st century.

Alice Munro, One of Canada’s Literary Masters, Dies at 92Alice Munro's career spanned over four decades, during which time she earned a multitude of literary awards, including a Nobel Prize nearing the end of her writing career. 

American writer V. V. Ganeshananthan wins the US$150,000 Carol Shields Prize for FictionHer novel, 'Brotherless Night,' was chosen over the work of four finalists, including 'Birnam Wood' by Eleanor Catton

2024 Amazon Canada First Novel Award Shortlist AnnouncedThe award, which was founded in 1976, offers a $60,000 prize for the winner.

Three Canadian Authors Shortlisted for the US$150,000 Carol Shields Prize for FictionClaudia Dey, Eleanor Catton and Janika Oza are finalists for the largest cash prize celebrating American and Canadian women writers

Donald Sutherland, 88, to Detail His Journey to Hollywood Fame in Long-Awaited MemoirThe Canuck screen legend's first-ever autobiography will hit Canadian bookshelves on Nov. 12.

Camilla Leads Miniature Book Initiative to Celebrate 100th Anniversary of the Queen’s Dolls’ HouseThe miniature book collection includes handwritten tomes by Sir Tom Stoppard, Dame Jacqueline Wilson, Sir Ben Okri and other well-known authors

2024 Giller Prize: Noah Richler, Kevin Chong and Molly Johnson Among Jury MembersAuthor Noah Richler is chairing the jury for this year's Giller Prize, an award's body his father literary icon Mordecai Richler helped launch in 1994.

Queen Camilla to Offer Weekly Reading Recommendations in New Queen’s Reading Room PodcastThe Queen's Reading Room Podcast will feature Her Majesty's book picks as well as literary discussions with authors and celebrities every week.

2023 Booker Prize: Irish Writer Paul Lynch Wins For Dystopian ‘Prophet Song’Canadian Booker Prize jury chair Esi Edugyan called the novel a "a triumph of emotional storytelling, bracing and brave."

Sarah Bernstein’s ‘Study for Obedience’ Wins 2023 Scotiabank Giller PrizeThe author, who gave birth to a daughter 10 days ago, accepted the award remotely from her home in the Scottish Highlands

Governor General’s Literary Awards: Anuja Varghese’s ‘Chrysalis’ Among This Year’s WinnersEach of the 14 writers, illustrators and translators will receive a prize of $25,000

Giller Prize Winner Suzette Mayr Among Finalists Shortlisted for 2023 Governor General’s Literary AwardsThe 14 winners, who will each receive a prize of $25,000, will be announced Nov. 8

Five Authors Shortlisted for This Year’s $100,000 Scotiabank Giller PrizeDionne Irving and Kevin Chong are among the finalists who "probe what it means to be human, to survive, and to be who we are"

Norway’s Jon Fosse Wins Nobel Literature Prize for Giving “Voice to the Unsayable”The author's work has been translated into more than 40 languages, and there have been more than 1,000 different productions of his plays.

Scotiabank Giller Prize Longlist Recognizes 12 Authors Who Demonstrate “the Power of Human Imagination”The 2023 longlist includes the prize's 2005 winner David Bergen and debut novelist Deborah Willis. 

Duke and Duchess of Sussex Buy Film Rights to Canadian Author Carley Fortune’s ‘Meet Me at the Lake’Prince Harry and his wife Meghan have purchased the movie rights to the bestselling romantic novel, which was published in May this year.

Booker Prize Longlist ‘Defined by its Freshness’ as Nominees RevealedEsi Edugyan, chair of the 2023 judges, said each of the 13 novels "cast new light on what it means to exist in our time."

Barack Obama Releases His 2023 Summer Reading ListThe list includes the latest novel by Canadian-born New Zealand author Eleanor Catton.

David Suzuki Takes Inspiration From His Own Grandchildren for New Kid’s Book ‘Bompa’s Insect Expedition’The book features Suzuki and two of his grandchildren exploring the insect population in their own backyard.

Milan Kundera, Author of ‘The Unbearable Lightness of Being’, Dies at 94Kundera won global accolades for the way he depicted themes and characters that floated between the mundane reality of everyday life and the lofty world of ideas.

Cormac McCarthy, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Dark Genius of American Literature, Dead at 89McCarthy won the Pulitzer Prize for his 2006 novel 'The Road.'

Remembering the Life and Loves of Literary Bad Boy Martin AmisThe legendary British author has died at 73. His absence will be keenly felt, but Amis leaves behind a book shelf’s worth of novels, including 'London Fields', 'Money' and 'Success', filled with shambolic anti-heroes raising a finger at society. 

Sophie Grégoire Trudeau to Publish Two Books Related to Mental Health and Wellness With Penguin Random House CanadaThe upcoming releases include a wellness book for adults and a picture book for children, which will roll out over the next two years.

Queen Camilla Celebrated Her Love of Books by Having Some Embroidered on Her Coronation GownThe Queen's coronation gown also featured tributes to her children, grandchildren and rescue dogs embroidered into it.

Better Late Than Never: Gabriel Garcia Márquez’s Unpublished Novel Set for Release in 2024'En Agosto Nos Vemos' or 'We'll See Each Other in August' was deemed by the late author's family to be too important to stay hidden

End of an Era: Eleanor Wachtel leaves CBC Radio’s ‘Writers & Company’ After More Than Three Decades on the AirAfter a career interviewing what she describes as the "finest minds in the world," the long-time radio host says she's ready to begin a new chapter.

Canadian Independent Bookstore Day Features Deals, Contests and ReadingsOn Saturday, every book purchased at an indie store qualifies you to enter the Book Lovers Contest, with a chance to win gift cards worth up to $1,000

Translation Project Will Bring Literature From the South Asian Continent to English-Speaking AudiencesThe SALT project aims to translate and publish 40 works by authors from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

The Book Thief: An Italian Man’s Guilty Plea Ends a Caper That Puzzled the Literary World for YearsFilippo Bernardini’s elaborate phishing scam netted 1,000 unpublished manuscripts by prominent authors including Margaret Atwood and Ian McEwan

The Late Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison Is Honoured with an American StampThe Obamas and Oprah Winfrey pay tribute to the writer whose poetic interpretations of the African American experience gained a world-wide audience

Five Canadian Writers Make the Long List for the Inaugural Carol Shields Prize for FictionThe US$150,000 English-language literary award for female and nonbinary writers redresses the inequality of women in the publishing world

The Furry Green Grump is Back in a Sequel to “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!”Dr. Seuss Enterprises will publish “How the Grinch Lost Christmas!” in September

Chris Hadfield to Publish a Sequel to His Blockbuster Debut, “The Apollo Murders,” on Oct. 10"The Defector” brings the Cold War intrigue from space to Earth as the Soviets and Americans race to develop fighter jets

Prince Harry’s ‘Spare’ Continues to Break Worldwide RecordsThe book also seems to have put a dent in the popularity of members of the Royal Family — including the Prince and Princess of Wales.

Prince Harry’s Memoir Breaks U.K. Sales Record On First Day of ReleaseThe publisher of the new memoir, 'Spare", says it had sold 400,000 copies so far across hardback, e-book and audio formats.

Barack Obama’s Favourite Books of 2022The former U.S. president’s 13 titles include Canadians Emily St. John Mandel and Kate Beaton, as well as tomes from Michelle Obama, George Saunders and Jennifer Egan

Here are the 5 Books on Bill Gates’ Holiday Reading ListThe billionaire philanthropist is giving hundreds of copies to little libraries around the world

Sheila Heti and Eli Baxter Among 2022 Governor General’s Literary Award WinnersToronto writer Sheila Heti took home the fiction award for 'Pure Colour,' a novel the GG peer assessment committee called "a work of genius."

Suzette Mayr Wins $100,000 Scotiabank Giller Prize for ‘The Sleeping Car Porter’The 2022 Giller Prize jury called Mayr's novel "alive and immediate — and eerily contemporary."

Writers’ Trust of Canada Awards: Authors Nicholas Herring, Dan Werb Nab Top PrizesThe Writers' Trust of Canada awards amounted to a combined monetary prize value of $270,000.

Bob Dylan Releases ‘The Philosophy of Modern Song,’ a Book of Essays Dissecting 66 Influential SongsIn his new book, Bob Dylan offers up both critique and historical insight into various musical recordings of the last century by a variety of popular artists.

Prince Harry’s Memoir ‘Spare’ Will Be Published in January 2023The long-awaited memoir will tell with "raw unflinching honesty" Prince Harry's journey from "trauma to healing", his publisher said on Thursday.

Sri Lankan Author Shehan Karunatilaka Wins 2022 Booker PrizeKarunatilaka won the prestigious prize on Monday for his second novel ‘The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida’, about a dead war photographer on a mission in the afterlife.

Canadian Council for the Arts Reveals Governor General’s Literary Awards FinalistsThe finalists for the Governor General's Literary Awards spotlight books in both the English and French language, as well as translated works.

New Penguin Random House Award Named After Michelle Obama Will Honour High School WritersMichelle Obama Award for Memoir will provide a $10,000 college scholarship to a graduating public school senior based on their autobiographical submission.

French Author Annie Ernaux, 82, Becomes First French Woman to Win Nobel Prize for LiteratureThe author said, of winning, that "I was very surprised ... I never thought it would be on my landscape as a writer."

Hilary Mantel, Award-Winning British Author of ‘Wolf Hall’ Trilogy, Dies at 70Wolf Hall, published in 2009, and its sequel Bring Up the Bodies, released three years later, both won the Booker Prize, an unprecedented win for two books in the same trilogy and making Mantel the first woman to win the award twice.

Prince William “Cannot Forgive” Prince Harry, According to ‘The New Royals’ Author Katie NichollPrince William “just cannot forgive his brother,” according to Katie Nicholl, author of 'The New Royals: Queen Elizabeth’s Legacy and the Future of the Crown.'

Five Finalists Announced for Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize for NonfictionThe winner — to be announced on November 2 — will take home the annual $60,000 prize.

Peter Straub, Bestselling American Horror Writer, Dies at 79Friend and co-author Stephen King has said the author's 1979 book, "Ghost Story," is his favourite horror novel.

Rawi Hage, Billy-Ray Belcourt and Sheila Heti Make the 2022 Scotiabank Giller Prize Long ListThe jury read 138 books to choose 14 titles for the long list, one of which will win the $100,000 prize, one of the richest in Canadian literature

Salman Rushdie, Novelist Who Drew Death Threats, Is Stabbed at New York LectureThe Indian-born novelist who was ordered killed by Iran in 1989 because of his writing, was attacked before giving a talk on artistic freedom.

Raymond Briggs, Creator of Beloved Children’s Tale ‘The Snowman’, Dies at 88First published in 1978, the pencil crayon-illustrated wordless picture book sold more than 5.5 million copies around the world while a television adaption became a Christmas favourite in Britain and was nominated for an Oscar.

Canadian Author Emily St. John Mandel Makes Barack Obama’s 2022 Summer Reading ListObama's list includes everything from fiction to books on politics, cultural exploration and basketball.

Canadian Author Rebecca Eckler to Launch RE:books Publishing House Focused on Female Authors and Fun ReadsThe former National Post columnist says her tagline is ‘What’s read is good, and what’s good is read.’”

Brian Thomas Isaac’s “All the Quiet Places” wins $5,000 Indigenous Voices AwardThe B.C. author, a retired bricklayer, drew on his childhood growing up on the Okanagan Indian reserve for his coming-of-age story set in 1956

Canadian-American Author Ruth Ozeki Wins Women’s Book Prize for “The Book of Form and Emptiness”The UK judges said her fourth novel, inspired in part by the Vancouver Public Library, contained "sparkling writing, warmth, intelligence, humour and poignancy."

The Bill Gates Summer Reading List Includes a Sci-Fi Novel On Gender Inequality Suggested by His DaughterBill Gates' summer reading list includes fiction and non-fiction titles that cover gender equality, political polarization and climate change.

American novelist Joshua Cohen wins the Pulitzer Prize for fiction for “The Netanyahus”The 2022 Pulitzer prizes include this satirical look at identity politics, focused on the father of former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at a crucial time in the Jewish state’s history

Margaret Atwood, Alice Munro Among Canadian Authors Recognized in Commemorative Reading List Marking Queen’s Platinum JubileeThe authors are among six Canadian scribes included on the The Big Jubilee Read list.

Queen Elizabeth II’s Aide Reveals Details of Life in Royal Pandemic Lockdown in New Addition to BookAngela Kelly, who's worked for the Queen for 20 years, discusses everything from cutting the Queen's hair to "the light and laughter that was shared ... even in the darkest moments."

New Leonard Cohen Story Collection, ‘A Ballet of Lepers,’ Set for October ReleaseThe collection features a novel, short stories and a radio play written between 1956 and 1961.

Archived Letters Reveal How Toni Morrison Helped MacKenzie Scott Meet Future Husband Jeff BezosBezos hired Scott at the hedge fund where he worked after receiving a recommendation from Morrison. Shortly thereafter, the pair married and Scott helped Bezos launch Amazon.

Prince Harry’s Memoir is Set to Rock the MonarchyFriends say the California-based royal got a million-pound book deal to write "an intimate take on his feeling about the family."

European Jewish Congress Asks Publisher to Pull Anne Frank BookThe Congress says 'The Betrayal of Anne Frank' has "deeply hurt the memory of Anne Frank, as well as the dignity of the survivors and the victims of the Holocaust."

Canadian Author Details Anne Frank Cold-Case Investigation That Named Surprise Suspect in Her Family’s Betrayal in New BookAhead of the 75th anniversary of the publication of Frank's 'The Diary of a Young Girl' in June, a team that included a retired FBI agent and around 20 historians, criminologists and data specialists identified a relatively unknown figure as a leading suspect in revealing her family's hideout.

Man Who Tricked Authors Into Handing Over Unpublished Manuscripts Arrested by FBI in New YorkFilippo Bernardini, an employee of a well known publication house, has been arrested for stealing hundreds of unpublished manuscripts.

Hollywood Legend Betty White Has a Last Laugh in New Biographic Comic BookThe creators of the biographical comic book have released similar books about Hollywood legends like Carrie Fisher, Lucille Ball, David Bowie and Elizabeth Taylor.

Barack Obama Reveals His List of Books That Left “A Lasting Impression” in 2021Obama's favourite 2021 reads include two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning author Colson Whitehead's 'Harlem Shuffle' and 'Klara and the Sun,' by Nobel Prize-winning author Kazuo Ishiguro

“Interview With the Vampire” Author Anne Rice Dies at 80 — Tributes Pour in From Stuart Townsend and OthersThe author, who was best known for her work in gothic fiction, died on Saturday evening as a result of complications from a stroke.

Norma Dunning wins $25,000 Governor General’s English fiction prize for ‘Tainna’The Edmonton-based Inuk writer explores themes of displacement, loneliness and spirituality in six short stories

Omar El Akkad wins $100,000 Giller prize for “What Strange Paradise”The former Globe and Mail reporter, who published "American War" to acclaim in 2017, tackles the global migrant refugee crisis in his second novel

South African Author Damon Galgut Wins the Booker Prize For ‘The Promise’Galgut received nominations for his 2003 and 2010 works before finally taking home the prize this year. 

Hollywood Legend Paul Newman Discusses Life, Acting and Aging Gracefully in Newly Discovered MemoirPublishers of the newly discovered memoir say the Hollywood legend wrote the book in the 1980s in response to the relentless media attention he received during that time.

Here’s What You Need to Know About the Toronto International Festival of AuthorsDirector Roland Gulliver lands in Toronto to open his second, much-expanded virtual festival with more than 200 events

Tanzanian Novelist Gurnah Wins 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature for Depicting the Impact of Colonialism and Refugee StoriesGurnah, 72, is only the second writer from sub-Saharan Africa to win one of the world's most prestigious literary awards

Miriam Toews Garners Third Giller Prize Nomination for “Fight Night” after Shortlist AnnouncedSophomore efforts from novelists Omar El Akkad and Jordan Tannahill join debut books from Cheluchi Onyemelukwe-Onuobia and Angélique Lalonde

Tina Brown’s New Book, ‘The Palace Papers’, Covers the Royal Family’s Reinvention After Diana’s Tragic DeathTina Brown's sequel to her 2007 release 'The Diana Chronicles' is set to hit shelves April 12, 2022. 

Audible.ca Releases Andrew Pyper’s Exclusive Audiobook “Oracle” For New Plus Catalogue LaunchThe thriller about a psychic FBI detective is one of 12,000 titles now available for free to members

Barack Obama and Bruce Springsteen to Release Book Based On Their “Renegades” PodcastThe new book will feature a collection of candid, intimate and entertaining conversations

Prince Harry Will Publish a Memoir in Late 2022Harry says he's writing the book "not as the prince I was born but as the man I have become."


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